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Top 50 One Word Substitution PART 2


51. Violation of something holy or sacred – ………………Sacrilege
52. A broad road bordered with trees - ………………Boulevard
53. Animals who live in herds – ……………..Gregarious
54. The murder of parents or near relative – ………………Parricide
55. A mild or indirect expression substituted for an offensive or harsh one –
56. One who believes in no government and therefore incites disorder in a state -
57. One who secretly listens to talks of others – ………….Eavesdropper
58. Science of diseases – …………………….Pathology
59. One who is beyond reforms – ………………..Incorrigible
60. Concluding part of a literary work - ………………Epilogue
61. The act of killing whole group of people, especially a whole race – ………..Genocide
62. One who stays away from school without permission – …………..Truant
63. A person without training or experience in a skill or subject – …………Novice
64. Dissection of a dead body to find the cause of the death – ………Autopsy
65. The study of religion and religious ideas and beliefs - ………………….Theology

66. One who is indifferent to pain and pleasure – ……………..Stoic
67. A place where Jews worship according to their religion – ……….Synagogue
68. An area of land that is controlled by a ruler – ………..Dominion
69. One who is greedy – ………Voracious
70. Simple, fast-spreading plant without flowers or leaves, which can often cause disease –
71. Dry weather with no rainfall – ……….Drought
72. Too much official formality – ……………Red-tapism
73. Living together of a man and woman without being married to each other (live in relationship) –
74. A place where government / public records are kept - ………..Archive
75. A place where all religions are honoured - …………Secular
76. Excessive preoccupation with one’s health - ………Hypochondria
77. Without risk of punishment - ………….Impunity
78. Deep in thought - ………………Pensive
79. A jocular person who is full of amusing anecdotes – …….Wag
80. A sly look that is lustful – …………………………Leer

81. Irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks – ………………Dipsomania
82. A hater of mankind – ………………….Misanthrope
83. A remedy for all diseases – …………………Panacea
84. Something that is poisonous and unhealthy - …………….Toxic
85. The worship of idols or images – …………………….Idolatry
86. A place where nuns live and work – …………Convent
87. Violation of something holy and sacred – ………….Sacrilege
88. One who destroys images or attacks popular beliefs – …………Iconoclast
89. Feeding on food made of both plant and flesh – …………Omnivorous
90. A woman having more than one husband at the same time – ………Polyandry
91. A den for small animals – ………………………Hutch
92. To take back, withdraw or renounce – …………….Recant
93. The habit of always admiring oneself - ……………Narcissism
94. One who intervenes between two or more parties to settle difference –
95. One who deserts his principle or believes – ………………….Renegade
96. Property handled down after the death of a person – …………Inheritance
97. One who breaks the established traditions and image – ………….Iconoclast
98. One who believes in that gaining pleasure is the most important thing in life –
99. Building in which a dead body is kept for a time – ..………..Mortuary
100. A proficient public speaker –…………..…….Orator
101. One who eats both vegetables and meat – …………Omnivorous

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